The Boy In The Pole Barn

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Our story comes from Tilton, New Hampshire and was sent in by Gregory Morrison. This is a strange tale and I can honestly say that I can relate to it. I had a bout with lucid dreaming a few years ago that left me with some very strange stories. Greg has titled his The Boy In The Pole Barn (edited). 

I live in the tiny town of Tilton. This small little New Hampshire getaway is known as “the gateway to the lakes region.” We are pretty backward and rural but change has been coming and the old ways have been replaced. 

The Boy In the Pole Barn

My wife’s cousin, Adam (rest his soul), and his friends were living in one of the last homes remaining on the main street. They were able to rent it for a time before the house was sold for commercial property. The house was an old colonial with a pole barn attached to the rear. I spent a lot of party time in that barn, let me tell you! It was pretty empty but there were a few remaining items from previous owners. One of these was a wall hung photo of a toddler boy playing with a couple toys. One peculiar afternoon, after arriving to pick up Adam, I waited in the pole barn for him to get ready. There was a punching bag where I could get my blood flowing a bit. Only a few punches landed before I noticed the child’s photo and frame were broken. Intrigued, I walked over to get a closer look.  As I picked it up the hair on the back of my neck peaked and my heart rate rose on high alert. In my mind I thought to myself that I was not alone in the pole barn. 

Trying to ease myself back into the bag, I couldn’t focus, and I decided to leave. While walking swiftly back towards the main house I felt a poke on the back of my hand. Shocked, I looked and saw blood dripping from it. My head swirled. How did I do that? Did I do that? I looked around and there was nothing that could have poked me, but I felt as if something or someone was laughing at me. I can’t explain it.

In the main house I met Adam and asked what happened to the photo. He explained that he and his friends got “freaked out” by it one night and proceeded to smash it to relieve their anxiety. He added that he hasn’t been able to stay alone in the barn for more than a few minutes ever since. I told him what had happened to me and showed him my hand. There was a short slice on the back of it. It looked like it had been made by a jagged piece of glass. I got bandaged up and we left.

I hated myself for my lack of bravery and for the little boy whose home would soon be torn down. It was less than a week later, in a dream state, I was pulled into what my wife called a wormhole. It was a quick movement through a tunnel. It was windy. It was loud, and I was now staring into that pole barn from above. I didn’t see the boy, but knew he was there. I suppose it was my instincts that kicked in. All I could think to do was to tell the boy that he needed to leave. I was yelling at the top of my lungs trying to out-shout the wind. I even tried to make gestures to warn the child. Then I was pulled out and back home to my bedroom. My wife was holding me trying to wake me up. I know this makes no sense, but strangely I feel like I accomplished my purpose. I don’t know if what happened was real or not, but I like to think that I helped the spirit of that boy move on. – Gregory Morrison

Like I said at the top I know how it feels to have a lucid dream. It is so hard to know if any of it really happened and it feels so real. In one dream that I had I was taken to a cave. I could feel the dark, dank and humidity of it. I walked around looking for the entrance. When I found it, It opened into the ocean, and at the mouth of the cave was a pirate ship. I was excited and so wanted to board it. Unfortunately, like you I whisked away in a whirlwind never to experience what was aboard that ship. Thank you Greg for sharing your story with us.

This Week’s Podcast: On the program this week we have a story titled Of All Possible Worlds. It was written by William Tenn and it is a tale that should remind us to leave time travel alone. Also, I will review a great audio drama called The Safe Man.  This might be the best audiobook I have ever reviewed. You can listen to this podcast on Thursday at Ron’s Amazing Stories, download it from Apple Podcasts, stream it on Stitcher Radio or on the mobile version of Spotify. Do you prefer the radio? We are heard every Thursday at 10:00 pm and Sunday Night at 11:00 PM (EST) on AMFM247.COM. Check your local listing or find the station closest to you at this link

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