Let Me Go!

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Our listener story for this week comes from Elena Florence who lives in Florence, Italy. She says her mother is Italian, but her dad was born in New York. Because of her dual citizenship she loves american podcasts. Her story is titled Let Me Go!

I have often dreamed of ghosts since I was young. First of all, I do not mistake the person in my dream for a ghost. I have dreams about ghosts that I know are dreams. Then I have dreams where I am invaded by a ghost. Crazy right?

Let Me Go!

I had such a dream a few nights ago.  Something grabbed my arms. I was asleep, but I felt awake. Something grabbed me and pulled me down. I thought it was a dream so I just let it go. But something kept dragging me down. I realized I shouldn’t be dragged away so I started resisting, trying to pull off what had caught me. It felt like hands and it wouldn’t let me go. I started to panic and I was filled with fear. Then I felt anger and I yelled, “Let me go” in my dream. Nothing. I shouted it for the second time, still nothing. Maybe I was very desperate, but I really opened my mouth and shouted “Let me go!” Now I am fully awake and it lets me go.

My husband was out watching the television and he came running into the room. I told him what happened but he assured me that he knew the whole story already. I guess he heard it all play out in real time. This was not the first time that creepy hand touched me while I was sleeping, and every time I wake-up with goosebumps. – Elena Florence

This Week’s Podcast: On the program this week we have a classic radio remake of the 1934 movie The Thin Man.  It is a comedy-mystery film directed by W. S. Van Dyke and based on the novel of the same name by Dashiell Hammett. The film and the radio adaptation stars William Powell and Myrna Loy. A married couple must work together when the Thin Man’s former secretary and girlfriend is found dead, and the evidence points to their friend as the prime suspect .

You can listen to this podcast on Thursday at Ron’s Amazing Stories, download it from Apple Podcasts, stream it on Stitcher Radio or on the mobile version of Spotify. Do you prefer the radio? We are heard every Thursday at 10:00 pm and Sunday Night at 11:00 PM (EST) on AMFM247.COM. Check your local listing or find the station closest to you at this link

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